Quaestiones Medii Aevi Novae vol. 10 2005 Zones [2005]
Quaestiones Medii Aevi Novae vol. 10 2005 Zones [2005]
Warszawa 2005, Fundacja Centrum Badań Historycznych
ISSN: 14274418
Str. 437, [3]
Oprawa broszurowa, 24 cm
Stan bdb-. [niew. otarcia okładki].
Artykuły w języku angielskim.
I. The Baltic Sea Region. Archaeological Sources of the First Millenium AD - Four Case Studies 5
Michael MidIler-Wille Introduction 5
George Indruszewski From Iron Age to Middle Age: the Archaeological Evidence of Ships and Boats of the Baltic Sea 11
Andres Siegfried Dobat Maritime Cultural Landscapes - Recovering the Trajectories of Communication across the Baltic 53
Michael MiiIler-Wille Between Gudme and Reric. Protohistoric Central Places of Southern Scandinavia and Adjoining Territories 91
Hendrik Makeler Wikingerzeitlicher Geldumlauf im Ostseeraum - Neue Perspektiven 121
Andrei Pippidi Les legendes medievales roumaines sur les fondations de Rome et de Constantinople 151
II. Intellectual Milieu 171
Anna Adamska The Ecclesiastical Chanceries in Medieval Poland as Intellectual Centres 171
III. Current Research 199
Pawel Derecki Superbus Tyrannus Vortigernus. Sketch to a Portrait of a 5th Century Briton Ruler (Gildas, Bede, Nennius) 199
Jakub Kujawifiski Le immagini dell' "atro" nella cronachistica del Mezzogiorno longobardo 229
Grzegorz Zabiriski A Pre-Cistercian Settlement of a Future Monastic Site: the Case of Henrykow 273
Magdalena Bilska-CieCwierz Secular Canons in Poland to the End of the 13th Century (an Outline) 303
Ludovic Viallet La reforme franciscaine au miroir de ses textes. Jalons pour une anthropologic du „vivre franciscain" au XVe siecle 331
Jerzy Miziolek The Punishment of Licinius Crassus and other exempla iustitiae at Arthur's Court in Gdarisk in the Context of Netherlandish, German and Italian Art 345
IV. Varia 375
A Letter from the Standing Committee of Polish Medievalists to His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI 375
A Response from the Vatican 376
V. Book Notices 377